My man is away on business and he has received a series of parcels this week. Each day a different package arrives and I am getting increasingly curious as to what they contain. Some of the return...
All over the place on here plastered wall to wall the past few weeks. Well I think that you should start up a vigilante group on here and banish the trolls forever break out the cillit bang bang thats...
I went for some shopping on the way home tonight and yes it was chock a block again, but this time I had to fight my way through blooming women trying to get me to enter a free draw, sign up for a...
I started on AB on 26 Nov 2005 (*what*) posted 141 Q's and 3340 answers. I was previously Buddy -if anyone remembers me as that- until Stevie-c-2it got me banned by inadvertantly baiting me-and me...
Some keep better time than others.Some are always running late.Some a garish and gaudy others small and petite.Some run on batteries or by a pendulum movement. Then there are others wound by hand ,...
Ever been to a brothel as a customer ? Ever been to a lap dancing club ? Ever been to a strip joint ? Ever been to a bar where they had gogo dancers ? Ever been with a street prostitute , male or...
What dou you prefer ? HTH OR DTH ? Star wars love it or hate it ? Ever been jealous of someone online ? Do you portray yourself as better or smarter than you are?Or are you pretty genuine about your...
Do you ever feel lost? completley lost? Like your the only one, the only thing, ever to have existed? To be existing now? Thats how i feel now... Its feels kind of, comforting, yet,...
After the death of heath ledger do you think people take risks taking higher doses of prescription medicines ormixing prescription drugs with alcohol.I read an article last month about the amount of...
Is there any chance the ED could explain the banning mechanism......what are the criteria? This would be helpfull for those of us who feel they are still in the dark in regards to the inner-workings...
Do you like pussys?Some people love them and cant get enough of them.Even having more than one at the same time.Other folk are scared of pussys and some even alergic to them.So how bout you?Are you a...
Site rules say 'Do not abuse the AnswerBank's registration procedures and attempt to acquire multiple usernames' Why is nothing done about a certain gentleman who admits to having 20 usernames?...
i have emailed ab editor and had reply regards alleged email conversations regarding myself with a certain ab user.i was assured this was not the case.i did suggest ab editor posting in blog about the...