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stuck on 42a egyptian moon deity t/o/h
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Garden plant with whiskers (7,4) /E/R//D //I/ ALSO Genus of lte spring or early summer flowering perennial /N//R//L/E/
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Old property (8) Is this AGEDNESS? My last gap - grateful for help
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Have failedt o keep record of Saturdays link words. Can anyone help please?
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still hoping to finish! but need help if poss with 46a Rip, rend ?E?H, with 41a, feeling of illness ?A?A?R? and 52a Portrayed ancient Briton caught iin the act ?E?P?T?D had a brain wave and thought of...
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13a Read quickly, eagerly. Is this DEVOUR? 81A sTATE OF ANXIETY - Is this STEW? STUCK ON TELEVISION PRESENTER - /R/N/MAN Can anone help p;ease?
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Derogatory word for offical papers, documents (4)B?M? I thought this shd be BUMPH but only four letters? Also Trademark for duplicating printed matter O?A?ID
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This is not the place for this query but am desperate and you are such a helpful lot! Have lost the align right, left and centre buttons from toolbar. Have tried using downward arrow which should lead...
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Had a couple of suggestions on this but cannot make them fit. IN THE MANNER OF NON-ADVERTISING CONTENT IN A PUBLICATION (11) U?I?O?I?L?Y - Any other offers please?
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Still struggling with last clue -In the manner of non-advertising content in a publication (11) U?I?O?I?L?Y
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More than one water hawthorn - A/a///E///S, also In the manner of non-advertising content in publication - U/////i/L/Y - help wd be appreciated
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3d - Never sure when to use ROSIN or RESIN - advice wd be appreciated
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4A Irregular patches colour, typically black & white//E/C// 13D Reparation for a wrong 9 starting A/O 57A Chess rule 2,7
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Stuck on 9d lustrous pistachio green mineral (7),27d White magic T/E/R/Y
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Is everybody else finding this too easy - only one query so far! My last one 19d Tropical American custard apple S/E/T/O/
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IS 29A THREAD? Also stuck on 17d Agree lad removed seaweed R//A/G/a, AND 21A penny of frui for everyone //C/ - grateful for any help
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Can anyone help me finish this last clue please? I don't even understand the reference German during journey reached hilltop R/D/E
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AM guessing 1d is Kite, is this general opinion?

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