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Don't usually tackle this type of puzzle and struggling with some clue, e.g.17d fog on river or lake initially or strong wind M///R// Is it mist something? 13a Earthy animal having one other moving...
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Is SKA BAND - MADNESS? 77a To become known - T/N/S/I/E 42d Event regarded as inevitable /E/T56d Affect suddenly or acutely /E/Z/ Is 63a state of noisy excitement ABUZZ/ Help wd be gratefully received
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An evergreen AR//T/S, also site of Peninsular war battle //SAC/
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tHERE IS ALWAYS ONE - THIS WEEK i AM THE ONE WHO HAS THROWN OUT SATURDAYS LINK WORDS. Also stuck on 18a fruit used to make preserves S/R/T/E/R/, 19a River in Hesse, also herb /I/L. Is 11a TILLAGE? Any...
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Quite like an onion, but this is a negatively charged ion! A/I/N Alien? Alion? Any thoughts?
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Struggling to finish, stuck on 13a In the middle half mistimed first delivery included M/D/T, 20d Badger one animal almost and another H///S/ 25a Again be including energy to ease a burden 28a Prince...
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PORK PIE Can someone explain why this should be the answer to:"Food produced for Top Gear" - I worked on it being an anagram. the only thought I have is that top gear refers to headwear and pork pie...
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31a compact masses without definite form or shape L/M/S IS this LUMPS?
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31a compact masses without definite form or shape L./M/.S Ithis LUMPS?
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17a large headed elongated marine fish - the only answer I have come up with is dace - is this right - it does not seemmto conform to dictionary definitions. /A/E
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hydraul;ic machine used to notch, sheer and punch holes in steel plate Can this be as simple as IRONWORKER? Please
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Thank you - really grateful -I should have known that - perhaps distracted by the rugby - how many more close games can we survive>
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would appreciate help with this last one comic character from commedia dell'arte H/R/E/U/N
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can't decide on an answer for floating market b/o/ any advice welcome
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Any gardeners out there? pink flowering late summer/early autumn bulb A//R/L//S and also Genusof deciduous shrubs from the rose family (think the first letter is )E////O//A
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Is 18d TERYLENE, is so I am stuck for 28a which I thought was FRET Is there such a thing as a SCOOP FRET?
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Can anyone help with this please? To a degree, exceeding normal or proper limits O/E/L/
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10a is this GRILSE? Also stuck on 9a,can't fit it with OPTICS? PHRASES: can't make BIRD and WOOD fit with FRIAR and RAT
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SOME ADVICE PLEASE - IS 7a EPODE? AND 25d - literally a flea - PEST would seem logical but I have P/C/

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