Any help please? 3d. A style of afro american folk music ?l?e? 8d. Indian deep fried fritter of meat vegetable or fish coated in chickpea flour batter ?a?o?a 36a. Australian aboriginal dance ceremony;...
Can anyone help please? 20 aAn oval or oblong shapeenclosing a group of Egyptian hieroglyphs representing a royal name **r*o***e 30d A cold-smoked German or Swiss sausage c*r*e*a* 14d Fruit native to...
Any help please? 4d herbaceous perennial plant with culinary and medicinal uses - also used to make paper and textiles *e*t*e - surely it can't be nettle!
Any help please - this crossword gives the vaguest of clues!! 8d lunch maybe lacking a horrible sweet 22a Upland layer - had a turn Many thanks in advance
Any one out there able to help? 24 d A white crystalline vitamin taht occurs in the outer coat of rice and other rains - Alt spelling I have T*I*M*N Many thanks
Help please from any boy scout or girl guide out there 40 a A hitch used for tying two ropes together with different diameters - *e*g*t bend? Many thanks
I can't even begin to understand the question let alone the answer but it is the only one I have left. Can anyone please help? 7d The least colourful homeboy from Arabia! the letters I've got are:...