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I found a full out-of-date bottle of olive oil in my cupboard and want to put the bottle into my recycling box, but what's the best way to get rid of the olive oil? Not sure if it's okay to pour it...
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Anyone know he meaning of this saying. Cheers
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is it correct that ky jelly is good/better than water for thinning out acrylic paints?
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Has anyone heard of any further cases of Bird Flu since the "only reported" case in Scotland early this year - Do they really expect us to believe that this was a one off - or are they covering up the...
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why is it that all the microwave ovens that i see the doors open to the left and not the right. is it a costing problem for the manufacturer. [email protected]
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If you use infrared or night vision goggles in pitch blackness, is there any way someone else in the vicinity could tell you had them on? What I mean is, if someone, say, in a fake seance was moving...
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how can i interpret the different curve shapes in detail? do the different shapes have special names?
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why is there water on the inside of my waterproof watch and how do i get rid of it
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Why are some electricity cables covered by a orange cover??

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