Saw him on earlier and waschatting to him n knobs . Think he had a maggot infestation and aint seen him since . Ihope hes ok . " DIDDDY THAT HELP YIEE THE NOOOOOOOOOOOO ?? "
And I did not realise that there was actually a person inside a dalek I thought that they were remote controlled. Shirley it must be a easier to operate them by remote control it would sort of be a...
i`m gutted been on antibiotics will be 7 days tomorrow and really missing a drink on a nice night like tonight . all my friends out on the town :( going to have a garlic bread and salad and ice cold...
Was in a wee pub in Carlisle earlier this week and it had one of the best jukebox selections I have seen. What would be your top 10 Jukebox songs? Mine were Lou Reed - Walk on the wild side The Verve...
I fancy the pants off my man and when we, well you know...I get so wet, I mean dripping, I feel like I have a problem, I dont like it...any1 got any tips to stay a bit drier down below...sorry to post...
After all this time still they cant jail his killer.Dozens of witnesses and only 3 gave evidence and that was anonymously. Why worry about terrorism when these ira terrorists are helping coverup this...
How could anyone satrve a 3 year old child whilst dining downstairs and singing karaoke? what is wrong with people today? satrving a child for 2 years in a busy pub? anyone here from sheffield cam you...