Does anyone have any cures for constant earache? I have had it in my right ear since Thursday or Friday and its driving me crazy! I've been to the Dr's where I was perscribed Otomize spray which I...
I am considering having cosmetic surgery on my ears to have them pinned back. However am I too old for it too work at 22? Also any idea how much it should cost? Thanks
Hi all, I have a very strange problem: I am running win98 (first edition) and internet explorer 6 on a PC. After having no problems for a few years, I suddenly find that I now cannot access certain...
Please can anyone help as I am not getting anywhere with Talk talk (my provider). Basically I can go on the internet but I can't access all the sites I need, for example I can go on but...
I am trying to find my dissertation question I would like to do : The negative effects that television and film have on Children aged 7-13 years. My tutor at universiy says that he feels this will be...
Can anyone please tell me what the song is called that is played when the Wolves players come out the tunnel. Sounds a bit like the ring of fire instrumental but isn't. Thanks
Hi, Not sure if I have put this in the right column but hopefully someone can help, I am doing a presentation at university on the effects domestic violence/ abuse has on children, does anyone know...
Can anyone recommend a good book that explains the Children Act 1989? as I am starting my 3rd year Social Work Placement and need to get my head around it thanks
Help. My boyfriend has a close group of friends (male and female) who we go out with sometimes at the weekends. The only thing is they're really cliquey and make me feel like i'm unwelcome because i'm...
I know this sounds daft but I seem to have what can only be described as writers block for the last year! I'm not a writer but im at uni n sometimes i cant even structure a proper sentence (on paper)...
how long is the maximum your allowed to work on work experience, a few of my friends have been working for 11 hours and i just wondered if this was legal? thanks
Please please please, can someone tell me what i have seen the woman who plays Chelseas mum in Eastenders in. Its driving me nuts everytime she's on. Thanks in advance cause i know the clever ABers...
Trying to help a friend of mine who has the following predicament...In 1998, his girlfriend when 6 months pregnant went off with another guy. Father's name doesn't appear on the birth certificate. She...