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what culinary delights is measured in scoville units?
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Does anyone know where I can buy one at a reasonable price or are they not worth the hassle as I was just going to use a roasting tray on the top of the stove as it is also quite big...I only need it...
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i like em :) whats your favourite cocktail. i'm rather partial to a woo woo
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toby ok
what is a juicy friut
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Bought a waxed carton of pomegranite juice yesterday. It's the first time I've ever bought i this juice and on opening it a dark muddy brown liquid poured out which had a rather acrid taste. Is this...
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And what did it taste like? I've has the usual stuff like escargots, frogs legs but also frog glands in Singapore, obviously not knowing... I thought they were black grapes cut in half in a sweet...
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help,i have just spent a fortune on cake ingedients ,i followed the recipie ,when the cooking time was up and i turned the cake out after it was cooled it was still not cooked properly...
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We have just moved abroad and cannot get a lot of our favourite foods like we had back home. What would you miss the most. I am missing Bisto Gravy granules and proper biscuits - chocolate digestives...
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how do you cook butternut squash, and what do you searve it with ?
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Can anyone settle a minor argument - as a British person I am used to calling milk skimmed, semi skimmed and whole milk, however my US friend is used to calling them 0%, 2% and 4% fat. He says that UK...
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Any suggestions to what to serve this with? Seems a bit boring just dolloping it on a plate all on it's own.
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My husband can no longer tolerate cows milk and is having to have toast for breakfast iinstead of cereal and milk and black tea etc - he is desparately missing milk in tea. Can anyone recommend a milk...
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Does anyone know any nice recipes for lemon spice cake please? Thanks
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how do I do spicy steak
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Is there a secret to cooking dried beans (haricots, butter beans etc) to get them nice and floury inside? Whenever I cook them I seem to end up with miserable hard offerings, even when I soak them...
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In case its not been described:- I put this in mycats Q further down, but TAGS are the name given to the way to make the text appear bold, italic or underlined. FAQs give 3 choices: Typing < B >...
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Never cooked king prawns before. How long to a boil them for?
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Has anyone got a good recipe for garlic bread? I know that you simply mix garlic and butter together, spread it on bread and chuck it in the oven, but I tend to find that I either put too much garlic...
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Hi guys, how long should I be keeping a plastic bottle to drink out of? I heard something about them 'breaking down'.
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Can you overdo consuming fresh carrot juice - in other words does say 2 carrots juiced every day do you harm ?

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