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Is there anything positive about the utter chaos that constitutes human existance? Except possibly a loving family, but even then we'll all be alone eventually. Is there something I'm missing here?
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Does anybody else like to eat Ovaltine powder or dip their tongue into a spoonful on it's way to the mug?
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Petie Louise
Can white and/or red wines be removed from the fridge, stored and then rechilled again?
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Why is Wee & Poo called Number 1 & Number 2?
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Does anyone have a recipie for (Jewish) Chicken Soup, I know I can buy Chicken Soup But this is the real thing
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Does anybody know a recipe for an ethiopian chicken stew called "doro wat", it was served on something i think called "injeera" which was a kind of pancake. there was also some kind of veg...
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Ethical reasons aside. Does anyone dislike the taste of milk? I have never had too much milk, or get bored of milk, or met anyone who doesn't like it.
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Can anyone think of a catchy name for a children's indoor and outdoor play centre based in a barn on farm?

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