Just because I can.... Is this article: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/8225 621.stm A US woman found after being abducted as a girl in 1991 gave birth to two children fathered by her...
A colleague of mine heard on LBC this morning that if you receive a parking fine from one of those mobile camera units (on top of a car) that you may not have to pay it. Does anyone know what the...
Please tell me someone else saw that idiot mother this morning who has spent ?17,000 on her baby and he's not even 1 yet. She say there saying he had alot of savings so why not spoil him. Yes HE had...
Is anyone else absolutely amazed that there are smokers who are so selfish that they gas their own children in a car? Should it be necessary to legislate in this area, surely smokers should not be so...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/8102862.st m British Airways is asking thousands of staff to work for nothing, for up to one month, to help the airline survive. The appeal, sent by e-mail to more...
Sainsbury's renames fish to spare embarrassment The store has renamed Pollack as Colin because, it said, potential buyers were too embarrassed to ask for pollack, a cheap and plentiful cod substitute....
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article -1162992/Google-Street-View-launches-25-cities -Britain-users-360-degree-close-live.html Is your city amongst those that covered by Google Street View?...
Sad news today, for most of us regardless of our political beliefs, David Camerons son has dies. But what is the betting, given Noo labours record, that some sicko will take the opportunity to 'bury...
12 WEEKS jail for killing someone while sending and receiving texts while driving on the M1. You couldn't make it up!!!!! Open Prison for 6 weeks,no doubt.!!
Enjoy AB very much , but often wonder why ABers have the names they have. Mine is Brenda because I like the name.Anyone want to tell us their choice and why? .
Hi all, Appart from EBay I am looking for a UK site that sells at a fair price EG/ ?50 -?100 the latest Black Dice watches,, Any Info would be wellcombed.
Last night when I was in my local sainsburys I noticed that Guitar hero world tour band pack (wii) had the price inside the plastic sleeve for ?34.99 and not just placed on the outside, of which would...