Does anyone care? Why is this news? Its all I was hearing about on news this morning and its on the front of newspapers. My Mates mum and dad are splitting up does anyone care about that? There are...
This lunchtime the annmouncement was made that the killer of Rochelle Holness has been jailed for life. Her mother shouted "Rot in Hell" I applaud her and her feelings for her daughters killer. When...
Not sure which category this question should be in so forgive me if you think it belongs in another? With the Eurovision Song contest coming up this weekend - yes I'm aware that it's not a real...
Click here to read about an out-of-control child who smoked 20 a day aged 9, started drinking at 10, gets pregnant at 11, and has a mum who is pleased with the situation.The "boyfriend" is charged...
Hello everyone, my friends dad has just died suddenly of a heart attack. My friend is devestated obviously and i was wondering if anyone knew a good poem a can write to her to make her feel better? We...
Has anyone ever replied to a question, posted in a thread etc and the person asking the question or discussing in thread, has later been discovered to be known to the poster? We could be talking to...
What variety of careers do we have on here? This was asked a couple of years ago but I don't think there are many left from that era (apart from andy hughes) My name's Helen and I work for a charity...
How many people on this site are prepared to pay a charge to draw their money out? I have gone miles out of my way before just to avoid paying - probably used more in fuel than the charge so is...
My son is getting married in September. I have to find an outfit. I am not the dress and jacket and court shoes type of person. I wear black trousers for work and live the rest of my life in...
Anyone remember this classic from the mid 1980's? It starred Bob Peck and concerned the murder of a policeman's daughter and nuclear waste and would be well worth a repeat showing.
Hi..i saw on the news about a 63 year old child psychiatrist who already has 2 children, who is now pregnent through fertility treatment. I was wondering what peoples views are on this.
Does anyone else think that Tracey Temple was 'putting it on' in the video? I can't believe that her tears were real. She's been caught out and now she's trying to get out of it (and making a tidy...