Manchester city council has imposed an instant fine of ?50 for dropping a cigarette butt at least you can sweep up a cigarette butt? So why not impose heavy fines for dropping chewing gum? It costs a...
Mary-Ann Leneghan, 16, was stabbed to death in Prospect Park, Reading, Berks, in the early hours of Saturday. Her 18-year-old friend is seriously ill after being subjected to a violent sexual ordeal...
A question for the girls out there - do you always wear matching bra and knicker sets? I do have a few sets but tend to save them for 'special'. I try to match colour where I can but have to admit...
When did sleeping with a minger turn you into a celeb? It happened to Jeff Brazer and the guy on the Farm last night who has been with Jessie Wallace (sorry, didn't catch his name but lets hope he...
The Sunsilk advert where the 'creatures' come out of the girl's head and the City & Guilds one. I find these adverts quite sickening. What do you think?
it looks pointy on one side and he cant afford to go to the dentist. We all are trying to convince him to let us chisel the other one into a point too so they look even. he is worried it might...
I know this is probably in the wrong section, but i can't find one more apt. How would you go about finding an expert witness to appear for you or prepare a report for court? I have tried...
I'm interested to find out if I am the last person standing (or sitting or lying) who has neither read, nor plans to read the Da Vinci Code. If that's you, please add an "answer" so we can...
Just wondered if any of you watched Question Time tonight? If so, in a nutshell, what did you think of the individual responses from Charles Kennedy, Michael Howard & Tony Blair?