10a. To be blunt, a clue here could seem futile ??Y?T?E?S first letter could be a P. 13d. Low joint,technically speaking,where a star has a slug, being fuddled ?s???g???s (I think the "g" is right...
Can anyone help with these?
3d Style of Afican American folk musi _l_e_
14a Annual outing by printing houses foe employees
wy_ _ _o_e
Thanks in advance.
18ac calm distraught constituents in seat, two or three times (3,2,4) set ?? ?a?? 23 ac flaps like wings to a degree (6) ?l???s 30 ac yearly cost of flat of old man and woman (8) ?A?E?T?? 51 ac...
Help - Ive got 2 left Any help appreciated. 10A. Type of slide projector ,used as a popular form of entertainment during the 19th C (5,7) {?A?I?L?N?E?N}. 7D 1979 sci-fi horror movie, diirected by...
I'm determined not to be beaten, even at 1am. Christian in the congregation at Corinth who helped Paul? The s is the problem as it can't be Aquila. a - - - l - s Also a plant known as livelong? It...
Hi, I only have these two to go. 52 across and 53 down. Can anyone out there help me with them please. Also abit confussed over 1 down as I have HABANERO, but it could be JALAPENO. Also 8 down, I have...
The following are all clues to events that happened over the last century. 1900 The R of M 1908 OG in L 1918 E of TN and family 1920 P begins in USA 1924 RM becomes first FLPM 1932 The FCM by a RM...