can you help with these? 1. set fire to 2. cooking fat 3. where batman buys his outfit 4. are you able to 5. have you met that woman 6. not false 7. you are a bloke 8. purchase neckwear 9. tying up...
42A May 29th, the date of the restoration in 1660(3-5-3) o???p?l?d?y 40D Seat of summit county, Ohio (5) ???o? Thanks in advance, only need these two now.
help please. I need the collective noun for a number of surveyors. The answer is an 8 letter word asnd contains the letters 'ANT' in that order. I have only ever heard of a chain of surveyors. On a...
1. In which English cathedral is the oldest zodiac to be found? 2. From which country did the pheasant originate? 3. In which decade were tea-bags first launched? 4. How many sides has a prism?
Help Please with two questions 32a one of a negroidv people living chiefly in southern Nigeria (3) 36a in place names an islet,especially in a river (4)
18D.Old Bob - sickly or getting along nicely.S?I????.21D.Half of New York area in which there is a fog.????.23A. Woman in charge in a significant period.E????.25A Ass and old horse attended by top...
Rant of the day ! Do some folk think we are mind readers ? Why oh why can they not put the clues as well as any letters.What good is eg, GK 6D 2A to people who don't all take the same newspapers and...