Is there anything in the Koran to tell you to blow yourself up so that you end up like pieces of meat from a butchers shop in order to further your religion. A few years cults have to go through a...
Q 1 was born on New Years Eve 1937 to parents Murial and Richard Aurthur. My father was a man of immense, sometimes violent energy, whose eyes would change colour when he was excited bobbi♥...
I see please_sir's excellent thread about lovemaking expressions has been culled. Some of my best one liners were in that! The EOB have obviously returned from their Christmas pilgrimage to...
My computer has run out of internet security, and I tried to put AVG on, but it won,t load because I have (not by choice) AOL talk talk as my homepage. Talk talk is my internet supplier so although I...
I've got everything except the adjacent city and the bridge. Can anyone help point me in the right direction? Clue: The bridge was in 1858 the relevant city's first thoroughfare to be electrically...
A few drops of snow in England and it's a massive crisis according to the media. Why, when Scotland takes it in its stride? Can't England even cope with a smidgen of adverse weather?...