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What is the lifecylce of a laptop or notebook computer? Ie. What is their life expectancy?
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I am looking for a nice B&B or Guest House in Edinburgh. It must be within walking distance of the city, clean be reasonably cheap. Can anybody help?!
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If I were to set off now how far is it to London?
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Can I congratulate sft42 for not only creating an Answerbank record for the most responses to a question, but for also initiating perhaps the single best thread ever on Answerbank? Good on you!
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On Wednesday, BBC and ITV said that the day had seen the hottest temperature ever recorded in the capital, 35C. Today, the BBC have said on ceefax that it was 36C in London, the hottest there since...
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What's the average life expectancy of a hard drive? anyone know or indeed is there any measurement of this and does capacity, cache size, spin speed make a difference.....also once the drive has...
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Does anyone know the fastest (0-60mph) standard 4 door cars vailable in the uk. ( A top 5 would be helpful).
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Where can I get a free add-on for Word/Office XP so I can save documents as PDF files?
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when i have a very poor signal on my phone it says it can do emergency calls only. how can this be? do the emergency services have magic phones?
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I thought it would be fun to see if we could have a go and get 100 replies to a question on the site and this is probably the best category to try it in.....Just say hello or anything you want and let...
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My wife reckons she can hear my mouse clicking from the other end of the house and it is driving her (and thus me) up the wall! Does anyone know if you can buy either a) a mouse that doesn't audibly...
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Why are hospitals so hot? And airless and uncomfortable. Surely this can't be healthy?!
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I microwaved dry a metal grill (which doesn't spark, interestingly), and it was touching the plastic window on the door, and burnt some of the hexagonal black / transparent inner plastic making a...
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if one has broadband at home connected to a pc and a second person wanted to use a laptop to connect to the web possibly via bluetooth, what problems will I face?
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Why were the staff at Heathrow on strike? Is it that they didn't like it because they were going to have to clock in and out of work? But loads of people all over the country have to clock in and out...
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When 'k' is added to mean 'thousand', for example kB and km, is it meant to be a capital 'K' or a small one?
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Does anyone know a quicker way to chop bits out of a video file than Movie Maker 2? I am editing some clips I have, and when I go to save them again, it's going to take 90 minutes! (The clip is about...
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I am having problems capturing my video from my Panasonic camcorder DV IN/OUT onto Adobe Premiere 6.0. Adobe Premiere cannot capture and comes up with a message of 'the device is unable for device...
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The Rutt
Is there a program that can tell me how long a computer has been switched on for, or even better how long it has been logged on to a network without having logged off?
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At work I have a lovely PC monitor. I believe it is plasma (i.e you poke it with your finger and it's slightly squishy), and it's flat and 'slim'. Not being very well versed in hardware can anyone...

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