Would you consider yourself easily offended or do you not often find offense in other people's remarks and statements? Does anyone think that they would never be offended by anyone's remarks?
Not saying that she is not a nice girl but does anybody else feel fed up with her being in every magazine and in endless tv programmes. What is so special about her I ask?
imagine if the prime minister held a competition, whereby the winner has him come to your house for a whole 24hrs. (hehe, a ridiculous idea but what the hell!) imagine you win! what would you do...?
Ruby's question about a matriarchal society got me thinking about the changes in manners in today's society. It seems that some men feel they can no longer treat women as 'ladies' - offering a seat,...
I'm trying to find a song I listened to in the early eighties, I don't know the artist or the title and only know a few words can anyone help? the words I know are 'I see the ruins of pompei the...
I liked it but couldn't make out the lyrics and have forgotten the tune! It was sung by an english band and I think is quite recent. I seem to remember it was about a train, one line went something...
after reading the clash post i got to thinking. good old punk. what did you like? if you liked it at all ? post it if you can find it on you tube time for some nostalgia id say now xray spex were...
So, we are soon to be blessed with a visit from Max`s brother Jack. From what we have heard, Max has not seen him for some time and apparently doesn`t know that he has been round the corner in Sunhill...