What is the best site for free mp3 chart (music) downloads. Many say they are free but when it comes down to actually downloading the song there's always a catch.
Watched Alien again last night. Still think the end scene with Sigourney taking most of her kit off is one of the sexiest Cinema scenes ever. What other films are worth sitting through time and time...
Is anyone actually fed up with all this, this console is better than that one stuff? I know most of the people on here are 360 fans, don't get me wrong, i have one, and won't be buying a PS3 for what...
i just upgraded my windows media player but i really don't like the new version. i tried doing a system restore but it wouldnt work. anyone know how i can get my older version back!? thanks xx
Are there on the average male face ? The reason that I ask is I was wondering how many metres we shave off per day in total - assuming that we shave off 1/5th mm per day per whisker - this will add up...
is it true that if u drink alchool and smoke cigarette, better to avoid drinking your own urine? I only smoke one cigarette per day just before i go to bed. I see it as a relaxation or as destress...
Could humans really have had that big an effect on the planet in the (relatively) short time we've been here, or is the planet just doing ''what it does'', like an ice-age every so often? Has there...
I'd rather stick needles in my eyes than watch Big Brother and AB seems to be drowning in 'Who are you going to vote for?' type questions. I feel all alone in my loathing. Channel 4 are laughing all...