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king to deliver an address to sports presenter john ?n?e?d?l? 22a vilify return of artist beside german river ?m?a?...
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Doctor's companion Who's showing signs of dementia R??????(?) ???? That's 7 or 8, 4. Can anyone help? This is the last clue I need and it's really bugging me!...
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There is a massive tailback on the M6 and a lorry driver caught up in it asks a man, who happens to be walking along the line of traffic, "what the hell is going on?"The man replies,...
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went to use computer and have found my isp address has been changed.have tried various ideas and tries to retrieve it but to no success.i have full security on it and have been told it is a bug,can...
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http://www.dailymail....t-bikini-contest.html Don't get me wrong, the sight of a well proportioned lady in a bikini is extremely pleasant, but at 7 months pregnant??? Okay, they're Yanks, fair enough,...
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AB Editor
Good Afternoon, We've got some good news - there's going to be a site update on Monday. That's right, you now have an excuse to go to the pub this coming Monday - don't say we don't ever do anything...
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Does anyone know who was the last British Woman tennis player to beat former world number one?
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stalls or circle? We have two children and i want them to be able to see - this is a rare expensive treat! Someone said you need to be in the circle, but the stalls seats are the same price and there...
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Hi all I am starting to get the 'nag' screens about this update. Has anyone had any problems with this? thanks Howie...
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Dee Sa
I retired at 72 [ 2 years ago] out of the blue yesterday I got a cheque for £67 from above stating I had overpaid in the tax year 2007-8. Whilst I am happy to recieve a cheque from anyone, why...
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I have just realised that I have listed a pair of shoes as Clarks when they are M&S - I must have been thinking something else at the vital moment of listing. They have 5 days to run and there are...
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legal girl
Ok - you're going to have to remind me; what happened to Dennis Watts, Sharon's lover? And wasn't he her half brother as well?
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A man goes to hospital feeling really unwell.The Doctor performs some tests and says, "I am afraid you have a very rare and very contagious disease, we"re transferring you to a room where...
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I couldn't help swapping chocolate bar wrappers around in the sweet cupboard. I think she got her snickers in a twix...
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Sorry also meant to say, we got a new hub a few weeks ago and he wondered if that may have anything to do with the problem.
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My husband ordered some Kindle books from Amazon last week and still not come onto Kindle. He has forgotten his password too. He pressed help button and an expert sent details how to do it but not...
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Everywhere I turn there are people moaning about the weather. People get so wound up over "doing something" because it is a bank holiday and when the weather is poor it all "this...
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A married couple went to he hospital to have their baby delivered. Upon their arrival, the doctor said he had invented a new machine that would transfer a portion of the mother's labour pain to the...
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Murraymints was born in a tenement in the Gorbals district of Glasgow. From an early age she knew she was destined for fame but having no apparent talents she didn't know in which direction fame lay....
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Hi, i ordered a pair of sunglasses from, they could not provied the order and have promised a refund (still waiting), has anybody delt with this company ? are they ok or...

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