Katie Hopkins (of The Apprentice ilk) is a super snob! She critised children with 'common' names (ie Tyler, Chantelle, Brandon) and defies her children to even consider being their friends. A name...
I`m just listening to Killing Me Softly (on the radio) by Roberta Flack. Why is that song so depressing? It doesn`t bring back any bad memories, it`s just depressing. Likewise, anything by The...
I had an appointment at 2pm today, at the vets with my spaniel, Jack, He has been a bit off colour for the last few days, We had a lovely walk on the beach on sunday, monday night he wasn't that...
Hi there i am in a lot of pain and I went to my GP this afternoon thinking I was having a heart attack severe crushing pain in the centre of my back going up into my jaw that comes in waves approx...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-23175255 I for one will be sorry that this great building will soon be bulldozed. I attended many happy Saturdays there in the 60's and 70's at the Motor...
.....with salad cream and a sprinkling of crisps.
An evocative lunch, just need some Wham on the radio and I'll be back in the '80's.
What food takes you down memory lane?...
Of being an organ donor, instead of opting in. Personally I don't like it. Imagine the doctors allowing a person to die so that a better qualified or better educated person can live. A scientist say...
http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/411830/Outcry-as-David-Cameron-says-Let-s-extend-the-EU-towards-Asia?google_editors_picks=true does he not want to stay in power !? under the circumstances youd...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2353581/Sainsburys-customer-shocked-checkout-assistant-refuses-serve-mobile.html In fact, not restricted to checkouts. Ok so there may be an occasional...
A poll of 1,500 women by Ergoflex UK [Who they?Ed. ] reveals that 95 per cent keep their make-up secrets from their partner. I never knew there were make-up secrets, so it must be working. And fully a...
My cat has always loved his food and would eat at any time. he has always been a mad ginger moggie and is now 12. But he is becoming obsessed. Miaows all the time for food, really loud, he has been...
In Secrets from the Workhouse, Felicity Kendall, at the grave of one of her ancestors, said " I won't leave flowers as I am Jewish. I will leave stones instead", and she did, laying some pebbles. I...
wonder if some agree, i do think they are dangerous, as proved by this fire.