I have a Thompson DTR with freeview. On the whole im pleased with it... But..... I'm getting just ever so slightly annoyed with it and I'm on the verge of taking a blummin hammer to it!!!!!!!! lol...
aww poor ole max .... ahh i did feel for him tonight. i know hes done bad on tanya and all that, but i still felt sorry for him tonight. ( i quite like him to be honest! ) yeh yeh, before anyone nips...
Hiya, A bit of help required please :o) I bought my dad one of those Nintendo DS lite thingies for his birthday today with the Brain Train game. It all seems very good and we've had fun testing how...
Aaaaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhhhhh!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! I cant stand this Michelle/Alex/Ryan storyline annnnny moorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre!!!!!!!!! I'm going to have to switch off!!! lol :o/
Hiya, I'm interested to know who's your favourite and least fave of the Loose Women that occupy some of our telly screens at lunch time each day. I really like Carol and Denise, I think theyre both...
Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew if there was any difference in the cheaper multivitamin tablets compared to the dearer branded ones? I've decided to start taking one a day and bought a tub of 180...
Hi, Can anyone help please? When someone in my mobile phone address book calls me, their name doesn't show, only their phone number comes up in the display. I'd like to change this if attall possible...
Does anyone know where I could get the film ''The Bootleggers'' from please? (made in 1974) I saw it years ago on telly and would love to see it again, but I can't find it anywhere. It's a light...
Hi all, We are having a family evening get together on St Patricks Day and I was wondering if anyone had any good ideas/recipes on what we could do for a traditional style Irish meal. Thanking you :o)
Hi all, Wondering if any of you lovely lot out there can help me please? We are planning a themed family get together night on St Patricks day, with food etc. I want to make a cd up to play on the...
They showed the video on one of the music channels on tv a little while ago playing a countdown of the top cheesiest songs! lol. It's a real lively Irishy style song, the female singer is dressed in a...
hi, i used to have lovely long thick eye lashes that i used to love curling and accentuating with mascara. now, theyre not very good attall :o( any ideas how i might condition them and get them...
Hi, I hope someone can help me on this one. At the end of Master Chef on Monday night 4/2/08, when they announced the winner, they played a lively song. I know I'm being a bit vague, lol, but I'm...
It's just come to me where I recognise Jane in Eastenders from! lol She played a wonderful sexy raunchy Magenta in The Rocky Horror Show back in 1999 with Jason Donavon who played a fab Frankenfurter....
Ive been with my mob phone company for yrs & not had an upgrade for 4 yrs so my line rental was reduced 2 yrs ago. A wk ago I contacted them asking for a replacement phone as my old one now has a...
hi, has anyone tried the rebecca wheatley dvd ? she was the large receptionist lady in casualty on tv. shes now lost 12 stone and looks fantastic, it took her 27 months with the help of a good diet...