Just split up with my long term partner of 5 years, he was the man of my dreams for 4 of those years. Now I spend all my time on here as I don't seem to have any friends left!
What's the sexiest thing a girl could do at work in the office - to show she is interested...? What's sure to get your attention? (-for the right reasons!)
Our dog (3 year old collie, male, neutered) has started to randomly bite people for no reason. He bit someone he knows very well yesterday after she had been in the house an hour, while she was just...
its finally happened. the pup snagged has been snuffed out by forces beyond his control. he loved the deer hunter but an unfortunate affection for the film flubber has seen his name erased from the...
This question is for the women. i was seeing this girl before and we split up. but we still remain close friends. the thing is, i find she is constantly telling me lies. I just ask her questions in...
I feel bullied into having sex with my b/f whenever he wants it. He goes all moody if i don't feel like it and it has got so bad over the last few years, that i only really have sex to avoid an...
Has anyone out there had any funny/ embarassing/ or even sucessful happenings with people they work with? B*llocks i think i am falling for a supervisor... he stares at me sometimes, should i be...
This is a bit embarrassing but I wondered if any other women suffer from the same. Every time I have sex, I am very sore for days after. I become swollen and uncomfortable but it begins to improve...
Ok....i have a cold but normally i can cope!
BUT i also feel light headed, sick, off my food, out of energy and just plain yuk!!
Whats up with me ?? :-(
Hey, When im at my computer desk my right hand tends to get really cold whilst my left hand is normally just a little cold(i generally have cold hands), my computer desk is higher then normal and...
Over the past few months I have been having tense headaches in that the top of my head feels pressurised and even more so if I move my head, (sometimes I feel a bit light headed) they tend to come on...
badger chops ,,,,,, what now??!! well, i took a step back and heard nothing from him. i know i shouldnt have but ened up emailing him to ask why he could say he missed me one day and then not bother...
Well it first started new years eve, my gf was on holiday over the christmas season and she came back talkin about 1 guy inparticular, i know she hadn't been unfaithful, but she was on about himall...
I'm completely in love with my boyfriend. Have been going out with him for almost six months. I miss him terribly when we're apart. But the problem is I really don't like him when he's around his...
My boyfs ex keeps asking if they can be back in contact with each other (keeps asking him not me!-they fell out a while before I came on the scene). i.e "I've still got your album-can i bring it...
I've been with my bf for 3 yrs. For the past few months I've been on&off considering should I split up with him. I think that I'm bored, not of the commitment but because we don't really go out...
(I was unsure where to post this) When travelling abroad and in an area at risk of being bitten by a wild animal i know amoungst many jabs i will need a rabies vaccination and heard its cheaper to go...