As the Simpsons is translated into many languages , how do the translators deal with wordplay such as Bart's Prank Calls?
( Al Koholic , Amanda Hugginkiss etc ).
... the KFC advert where the Peugeot 407 drives past with the good-looking bloke from the Lynx advert eating a bowl of Branflakes? And where can I download it?
Is it just me or are people really posting some daft questions on here? They are either incredibly vague (ie. Where can I find an advert with a banana in it?), rude (no pleases or thankyous), obvious...
I cannot believe how bad music is these days! I heard that song the other day with lyrics that go 'I think you are really fit, you're fit but my gosh don't you know it' What the heck is this all...
Does anyone know who the brunette is in the Bon Jovi music video for 'Always'. She looks familiar, but I've no idea who she is, or what else she may have been in.
This time I'm looking for the name of the song playing on the end credits of Eternal Sunshine... the only word I can remember is Sunshine. I already have 'A Kaleidoscope Of Mathematics' and 'Mr Blue...