Our local CAB are advertising 2 jobs, Advice Session Supervisor - to support and supervise the generalist advice session. Needs sufficient advice work experience in the CAB etc ( I have not got!!) and...
I have typed 2 word documents today and accidentally pressed something so now I have that silly symbol like a backwards p in bold at the beginning of a line and at the end and dots in between each...
I was working 24 hours a week that was 8 hours Monday, Thurs and Frid with 12 days annual leave. I now work 24 hours the same but 6 hours a day over 4 days - is my holiday entitlement the same?
5a bright green precious stone a variety of beryl 6d particular design of style of a product such as a car 8d of or involving the family or home **m*s*y* 18d zeal, burning enthusiasm or passion
I have a good idea for an invention however would need someone else to make it etc - how do I go about it and then what do I do to try selling it and patent it etc - any ideas or web sites to help...
My friend is splitting up with her partner having lived together not married for about 6 years. She put 100,000 cash into the house and he has been paying the 50,000 mortgage. The house is now on the...
I work for an estate agents and they use Estate Craft as their package. I put a photo on the system from a memory card out of the camera of a house and when I print it off (quite large) for a window...
Does any one know what the acronyms IKWA and IKWU mean - put against such articles as mop and bucket, single panelled radiator in a house inventory when other such articles have the condition next to...
Probably should be in music but I have faith that you all-knowing people will provide the answers :). a) The artist and song title to the Honda advert. "The unreachable staaaaaaaaaar" jobby. b) Artist...
Anyone failed the teaching experience component of their PGCE course? What did you do? I have been offered a re-examination within one year having completed a further continuous placement of 40 days...
My son has qualified for EMA payments weekly. When he enrols in the sixth form takng his contract (one part to be kept by the school and the other part to be kept by him) do I need to be there too as...
What is the best course/uni to go to to read journalism - partic interested in sport/reporting etc - any ideas about son's future career will be welcomed. Doing English lang, history, maths and...