She is chatting away quite the thing but her diction is awful. None of her words sound clear and most come out as just grunts. Will this improve on its own?
My medicine was recently adjusted ( I am type 2) and I am now getting excellent blood sugar readings, but have several times been woken up with very low readings during the night. I try to eat a...
I saw this show in London last year - it was great, so good to hear the boys again on Saturday. But how did they manage to appear on SCD and still do their show in London theatre? Its still running,...
I am female, aged 65 and living with my retired husband. I get £368 monthly state pension, £370 work pension and earn around £100 per month with a part time job. Should I be paying...
Has anyone looked at this? The shaded squares are supposed to give you the name of the actress in the photo. But the actress is Sandra Bullock and the letters in the shades are nothing like that.
I watched a show last night possibly Law and Order and I wonder who played the mother and daughter who were the criminals. I have tried every way to find a cast list or even a listing with no luck....
I am sure I read a few months ago that a lot of this donated money was still sitting in banks because the powers that be could not agree on how to spend. Is this correct. or I have made a mistake?
16d Scale down action the army is in, but not RAF (5,4) I think its lower something. 29a Two countries reduced to make one, formerly (6) Also, to anyone who has finished it, the answer to 28a is...
It is beyond belief that the powers that be will give this woman a new identity to live her life after she has served her sentance. Just like the parents of Baby P. I have to ask - WHY? They did...
I am sure this has been asked, so sorry to repeat, but why do we no longer receive emails when we get a reply to a question? I dont like the new set up and find I am using it less each day. I used to...
Last Tuesday I went to the dentist and she found an abcess which had been causing pain. She pulled the tooth which unfortunately shattered. She assured me however she had removed all the bits of the...
Does the swine flu jab contain any 'live' material? For example, the measles immunisation contains tine amounts of measles, to build up immunity. Does this apply to the swine flu jab?
I am female, 65, under active throid and type 2 diabetic on insulin. I need more exercise and wonder if anyone can recommend a good tape to follow at home? I am basically healthy, just not too...