ABeditor:. You pulled my reply cos i said what's braes please explain? what's this - hate xyzzy week? that's not the first response of mine you've inanely pulled this week e.g. 'Wot no reply...' in...
There is a compilation album advertised on the box at the moment (possibly only SKY) and there is a song from about the sixties sung by a woman and the only words I know are someone... 'underneath the...
For those that can remember 1984, there was a one hit wonder by Strawberry Switchbalde called Since Yesterday. I've heard the same tume recently on Classic FM. Does any body know who wrote the...
I notice that whenever I've had a session on my PC that I've had a Spylog cookie. What is this; where does it originate and, if I delete it what have I achieved ?
In the film, there is a song played just before Robert Redfords character 'bumps' into Brad Pitts character at the Train Station. THere is a snog playing in the background, what is it???
What kind of energy consumption is used by a TV (or video) left on stand by, rather than just left switched on or off? And if stand by does use energy, is it simply a con devised between TV...
Does anyone know who said that as a kind of catchphrase on a quiz show I think. I know the phrase is a general Northern thing, but I can't remember the show or the presenter... help!