Hi, I'm a newbie here, wondered if maybe you could help with this one please ... "Steam powered passenger boat used on the canals of Venice" *A*O*E*T* Many thanks in advance :)
Help please, I have mislaid my newspaper, and cannot recall this word 14A- FRIDAY CRUDADER Met up with Greek character at times ??M?I 27A He's in a whirl- 4 letters Thanks
just one or two more please. 28.Take five from a very large pot at teatime[8] 49.A column of figures from time to time?[10.5] 33.Queen between freezer and returning cricket ball[12] Many thanks.
I am stuck on the following two clues 22a.This can guide the royals in their ups and downs(7) HA??ARD 25d. Big game information broadcast when.....(4) ?N?S Hope someone can help me Many thanks
Kettledrum set me off on this last night and now I am stuck on the last one. Cinema that warms Birmingham commuters changing at terminus? (4-7) I have N?W? - T?E?T?E Presumably New Street is a B'ham...
as usual I'm stumped with a crucial few 18a ridicule (5,2) 22a Treading (9) 24a Brought up to date (3,2,3,7) 26a melodious (5) Sweet? 14a A drawer pulls out from it (7) 18a quick attack to seize power...
Can anyone help with the last two clues please. 29dn Scientist's old letter kept by British Library. 6 ltrs -r-n-- We think it might be Brunel but cannot see why. 39ac A shock to be held firmly by...
Masochism, an oddity for past presenter (5,6) - I - O - / S - - - - - Ordinary post from Milan, perhaps during voyage (5, 4) - N - - - / - - - I - Poor Aphrodite wasted away (9) - T - - - - - E - Many...
Can't find the answer to 3d. Hardy character finds foreigner a problem (9,5) I thinl that the first word might be Seigfried. Help would be much appreciated. Harrytabby