have completed crossword (including all the preamble) but the four places add up to 35 letters?,the second 'place' in across clues I have as a six letter word. 37 across appears unused? ( letter 'I' )...
any idea of the following cryptic clues (no letters as answers are altered somehow) 1) Gossip about hospital in recession ( 4 letters ) 2) Armour adapted to fit into hollow part we hear ( 4 letters)...
anyone out there trying to do this one, I have completed grid and have all but six of the minus or plus letters, any clues, hints (or answers as ive spent too many hours on this one) re the preamble...
have completed grid and phrase but cant work out the 5 unclued theme answers ( although 2 of which have no alternative words that will fit ), any hint/idea please
any idea as to what letters (the elements ?) you leave out /in of most of the accross answers ,first time ive tried this one and cant see any logic to this part, any hint would be appreciated.
have completed grid,but cant get the final part,(replacing three pairs of letters) the clashing letters I have are cd in di(c)ker,si(d)cup cl in red(c)ar,abvo(l)t and dc in di(d)cot, tr(i)tely.dont...