can anyone please help. There are no clues apart from the questions and no number count either. 14. Quite a climb to get home in girl's town 16. AND HIS TALL ONES STING CANS. 17. Are they no longer...
Can anyone please help. The numbers in brackets indicates the number of words needed. Blistering H20 pitcher (3) Against festering (1) Group for a long time (1) Cog mixture (1) Cereal gypsum ?(2)...
Any help would be appreciated please.
13. Tack lacquer.(2)
14. 2nd class vegetable cushions.(2)
23. Cleanse after part of river that empties into the sea. (2)
25. Later trim closely.(1)...
Can anyone please help. 8 A monstrous sight perhaps. 11. Where are the first three ? 15 Smokey cathedral ? 17. Are they no longer grooms ? 19. No prohibitation here. 23 . Seems like everyone 's gone...
Can anyone please help me, if they can it would be very much appreciated. 2. Seaside or Girlguiding connection. 4 This transport is cuting edge. 6. No big Ben here 9. Does Bruce have one also ? 14....
Can anyone please help. Each question has a clue to the initial letter of the make of car 8. F an island in the mediteranean (4.5. ) 14. F an area in south east England (4,6,) 15. S to spatter with...
can anyone please tell me the name of a "Grooming " ( Toiletries, cosmetics etc. from this clue I have worked out that it is one of those and not a person or animal. 24. Establish fo me a letter now,...
can anyone please help. 14. Jacob's son, in short, order proclaimed, Get in the way of bread quantity named ! 16. First of all ,a collection of trees, Then toss or pitch things,if you please. 17. Two...
Can anyone please help from the clues below. 1. A king's name shotened, tell to me, A colour add, then the high sea. 2. Trick a serving vessel round, Above a hesitation sound. 6. Calm unruffled, plus...
Hi Folks just need on answer to this quiz which finishes on the 8th January, I do have an answer but not exactly satisfied that it could be correct.
16. Chilly Flower.
Can anyone please help me ....
Hi folks just struggling on the last few can anyone please help. 24. M ( 3.8) 28. The road to Nashville5.5.3. 30. Film: some happy occassions and a sad one 25. Another soft drink 5.2....