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Phrases with the vowels removed. No 35. Does anybody agree with me that the (2nd N) is in the wrong place............NTHRBRRWRRNRLDRB also is No 42 the same as No26. Many thanks in advance.
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Would be grateful for any help 3)Kind of water and the first 5)Is it mine or yours 39)Small area of water with the flour factory 56)Move the 'N's'
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Any help please with the last two? No1 Quite simply stop & go when shopping perhaps 4 & 4 letters - Is the answer Cash & Carry? No.50---79 & 47 found solidly in table for scientists. 4 & 6 letters
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WeeThug here ? I'll start at sunrise 'cos that's when I come in to see *SlaveWhoFeedsMe* and try to persuade her to wake up ?.. I dash indoors, check out the food bowl situation (empty as per normal),...
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1. who was britains first wimbledon singles champion in the second half of the 20th century? 2. Which post war cricketer played his first england game aged 18 and his last at 45? 3. Which former...
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1. which tchaikovsky work is usually accopanied by a cannon, mortar effects and bells? 2. who wrote the play the ladys not for burning? 3. which musical instrument has 46 strings and 7 pedals? 4. the...
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Down to my last four, CLUES only please...... 38) Who became the first footballer to ne transferred for 2 milion pounds between british clubs. 80) A 'Professional ' Scottish actor who died in 1989....
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nswers are recognisable pairs 10 Precipitation at speed may describe these ex teachers ( 4 - 4) 24 Pair who provide energy at Clayton, Susex ( 4 - 4 ) 92 Idiot with large lupus from Edinburgh in 19th...
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if anyone is doing this quiz can i ask for some help please. From the first page row one who are no1 and no2 From row4 no15 name the tv programme. Thanks in advance.
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anotheoldgit /Slave-trade-monuments-protected Culture Minister Margaret Hodge said four new monuments were being listed as Grade II monuments for their importance to...
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All answers are to do with holidays (Happy Holidays Quiz) Q. Overtake on the left? 8 letters I thought American or European - anyone else have any bright ideas?
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[IMG] cupars the black/white and margo the ginger girlie. its rare they sit together so when i caught them both on the back of a chair it was a perfect photo...
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Whilst out today in the car we passed a cat which had obviously been knocked down. It was lying at the side of the road. We stopped and on closer inspection the cat was dead. We asked a man who was...
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Any help much appreciated. Kind of water and the first.! Indian or Chinese? Up for a Laugh?? Concentrate ! Dancers children maybe ! It has to ! Premises for really useful appliances ! Envelopes,paper...
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The answers are all islands. 1) Copper Graduate 2) Would you buy your lounge suite here? 3) Do they lie to the far North East? 4) Did one of Lazarus' sisters pick her grapes on this island? Any help...
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i have been intimate with Legend for months now. He enticed me with his pics, I thought he looked a bit like that fat bloke from that comedy Benidorm. I saw the pics 4gs posted of him, please tell me...
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Our family scotty dog, Ellen, was taken into the vet for tests this morning after not eating for a few days. The vet called us early this afternoon to say she had kidney failure and nothing could be...
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Hi is anyone else out there doing thi local quiz - would appreciate your thoughts on Q31 East met West in European City - thought this was Brandenburg Gate but Q gives (10,4) and Q25 Was this Tony's...
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I rescued a little kitten living in the wild and it was poorly. Took itto the vets who said it had cat flu. They sent it straight back to me with medication even though i also have its sister here and...

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