Isn't it tragic that those young men have died in Afghanistan? It really is. Can you imagine what it must have been like in WW2, when thousands and thousands of 17 and 18 year olds were killed or...
ENEMIES? on this extended family site known as Answerbank who is it versus??????who are anserbanks answer to... tyson & holyfield Ben & eubank ??????????????????????
I have been told that you and your friends have been slating me online. Ordinarily this would not bother me, but you have brought some untrue things out in the open. Can you please confirm the date...
They're so stupid and annoying!! Where are all the 'decent' men or is that just an urban myth and they don't really exist? Me thinks it's just a myth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(or death). Mine is being buried alive. I've worried about it since I was about six after watching a Hitchcock film (which I wish my parents had not allowed me to watch). What is yours? Not just...
What is the type of wood stocked by builders merchants and used for joists, rafters and general construction in the UK. My belief is that it's Douglas Fir but just want some confirmation/other's...
I am going to spain in the summer, and i always get eaten alvie by mosquitos, but i dont want to pay for expensive bug deterents, does any body know a cheap way of putting the ******* off? Thanks in...
A few years ago I had a fairly bad infection in my left ear, for which my doctor prescribed some special ear drops which killed it off in a few days. However, since then it's never quite felt the same...
HI. My neighbour has built an extension on the back of his house onto a garden which is stepped down and slopes away from the property. If you can imagine his new patio doors are about 4 feet above...