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For some quite time now my dog who is nearly nine now - I am finding I am losing out on my social life. For eg one friend asked me to her granddaughter's party 1. going away for one day trips 2. going...
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would you keep a secret from your other half or do you tell them everything?
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Strangely topical, anyway last night my mate's daughter hit a cyclist crossing a main road from pavement to pavement on a pedestrian crossing, no lights on the bike of course.The lights where green...
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Are they common? or limited to the few? I'm an absolute control freak and hate it. I'm a lousy passenger. I hate flying. I can't delegate, and if a job needs doing, I have to do it. :o( I'm so...
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How many questions per week is one able to ask in this section per week before one gets permanently excluded for abusing AnswerBank? I do hope the answer is around 12, then we'd all be put out of our...
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I'm looking at getting a steam cleaner for my lino flooring. Can anyone recommend one? Or tell me that they are rubbish?...
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...breadcrumb scented after-shave. The birds love it....
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if you could change 5 things in Britain, what would it be an why?
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One of my bug bears I suppose but I'm old school, trained to cycle on the road properly and obey road rules etc. Anyway the other day I was walking home and some numpty on a bike got right up behind...
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Laptop went flat. Ive plugged the power lead in, but on my tool bar where the batter icon is, instead of it showing as charging there is a big red cross now over the icon and when I hover the mouse...
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Whenever there is a tragedy that involves a school child dying in an accident or any tragic circumstances, there is always a reporter at their school saying that the other children are 'struggling' to...
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I've got a "set" of socks (yeah, yeah, I know) from the men's bit of Next or M&S or somewhere. It was a pack of seven pairs with the days of the week on the bottom of the foot. Whenever I wear them, I...
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Actually, they are about equally good for you - you'd burn about 320 calories in an hour doing either. However, cycling may be slightly easier on your knees. Walking provides less exercise for the...
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MadMen Samantha 'I'm so beautiful' Brick. Here she tells of the moment when she met Pascal - "The...
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.....because I said I would never shop in Iceland! Anyone else on here a snob?...
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how many people i wonder check the price of their items when paying at till three times i have been over charged at a supermarket beginning with"M" this time a item that was marked up for £3 and it...
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I have damp and some black mould in the around my bathroom window. It's an old stone cottage, rebuilt in the 70s. Windows are double-glazed. Which type of tradesman deals with this and as it is only a...
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If you had the choice, would you prefer your son to return from Afghanistan alive OR return killed but with a Victoria Cross awarded?
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You had a choice between eating shark or being eaten by a shark, which would you choose? Genuinely interested in all replies....
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Hydrated ? I am constantly getting awful headaches through dehydration and I just cant seem to keep on top of my water intake to the point I feel like I am drinking water all day. Trouble is Im hardly...

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