Thanks to those who helped me last week with my last two clues, I managed to win a Franklin's Crossword Solver. ( Handy because my last one packed the week before - over-use probably ! ). Thanks...
This is gen2 here to set the link words for June. It nearly didn't happen because I was away last weekend for a wedding but I am back now with a selection of four link words to tease you with. My...
A little on the early side I know, however - Good morning one and all and welcome to a new month and a new KM Links Game. Our modest King Aquagility has warned us he is going AWOL, walkabout, and...
12ac Drinking - your pardon humbly craved (10) i 7blanks c -. 15ac Wooden O as scene of Henry's operations (7) t 5blanks e. 29ac Bit of guts first shown by one in empire outpost (8) - - - - n - s -....
Evening all.Stuck on the last three.Can any one help please? 11)Sounds like he might be on the fiddle. 27)Senior police officer and a quango 40)With a stately home in London.thank you
1. Royalty to excess (5) 2. Small stream in Indian State (7) 3. to search for something in a place or container (6) 4. Greetings to an old one in Coronation Street we hear (5) 5. Bill? (7) 6. A degree...
....and it's driving me crazy. I've got half the letters and still can't solve it. Any ideas please for: Lively song from a new band in Connecticut (8) C-N-O-E-
All answers are chocolate or sweets 1. Good children get these. 2. Arrange marriage partners. 3. Lost them 4. Gem orchard. (I had thought opal fruits but they are no longer called that)