Saturday comes round awfully quick these days. Many of you will know the drill already, for anyone new looking in, the idea is to predict Monday's Herculis link words based on todays shaded solutions...
anyone doing the places in britain scout quiz that could help me please? 1. part of the frozen north (6) 5. more than one mineral spring (5) 12. sn, a label and the spanish (8) 44. carry on colouring...
Yes it's that time again, week five of the fiendishly difficult guessing game. For those who've not entered before it's a chance to become an Answer Bank Legend, can you be the first person ever to...
Time is running out and despite a last push I am still quite a few adrift. As I haven't seen any postings for some time I can only asume that everyone else has finished. Help would be much...
work this out ! earlier this year, a great sports star, who is married to a wife who is herself a great former sports star, ended his illustrious career when he was defeated by a little-known player...
Owing to the unforseen (unauthorised?) absence of our esteemed founder (ShamrockBlue) today, who has asked that we keep alive the quest for three stars for correctly predicting the links from todays...
Hey - I won last Saturday's DTGK crossword! I was neatly folding the page to do this week's when there it was - my name! I am surprised you did not hear the shriek all over the land!! Thanks to all...
See if anyone can scoop the 'huge rollover jackpot " this week as we look for our first outright winner. WARNING : Do not open this thread if you wish to avoid LINK solutions in Sat TEL GK. Same...
Have received the answers today. I 've narrowly missed out again by changing my original idea of CUCUMBER to the ABs idea of MARJORAM! I wouldn't be without your advice though. Congratulations to the...