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I saw a fantastic Asian comedian on a stand up TV show last year and have sadly forgotten his name. I googled him after the programme and have since lost his details. even more frstratingly I can't...
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Pat is pregnant! she doesnt realise it yet but in about a month she finds out she is pregnant with Franks baby after going to see him in Spain. Eeeugggh. He has obviously died so Bianca says she will...
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On a diet and really struggling. Exercising every day does anyone know of any foods that speed up ur metabolism or any other ways of speeding it up. Used to lose weight so easily but just aint...
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Well wen i met my bf a year ago i was 9 stone and a size 8 now im 13 stone and a size 14. ive dieted for a week and lost half a stone. i just want to know if ppl think 12st 8lbs is big for a 5'9 girl
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i gave up crisps for lent and i really thought i was doing it because jesus went into a cave and starved whilst he was there and he came out on good friday and thats when we can stop giving up...
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ive been coming here for about a couple of years now, and i guess im attention seeking, but does anyone recognise me? do ya think im alright like? guess im feeling a bit like its 00.38 and ive had...
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It's sheeting down with snow here, has anyone else got any?
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except bmigmamma, unruly jules,sue, legend, bensmum and those i hae forgot coz i am cold. sleep well. love katie x
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How does your week day diet vary to your weekend diet? I just realised that I felt like eating different food today, since it is a bank holiday, than I would eat on a tuesday night, for example. Is...
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i won a mp3 player last week - and yes i have it in my hands so it was not a con , i was well happy and do u know of any good sites where i can do some online competitions please
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dog breath
real or imaginary?
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i thought that you gave stuff up on shrove tuesday because jesus went into the cave and he was starvin cos there was no food in the cave, and you celebrated it on good friday cos he came out the cave...
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In the Barbara Streisand produced and directed movie 'The Mirror Has Two Faces', Jeff Bridges takes Barbara Streisand to a concert and I'd like to know what the music is that the orchestra are...
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ive got medium length brown hair, if i rough dry it (like with the hair dryer but not brushing it neat), its massive but ... well looks rough, so i usually blow dry with a brush then straighten it....
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What can I eat with it? As in putting it in a meal. I stuffed some peppers with it today but what else can you eat it with?
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is it true that a microwave ruins the food ? perhaps as in ruin its nutritional properties ? what about drinks such as milk
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How often do you have takeaways, is it for a treat or convenience, whats your favourite? I rarely have takeaway food I am missing out?
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a so called good friend as accused me of going through 'all her belongings' while i stayed with her at xmas, this really isnt true and i dont know what is making her think this. i was either out or...
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I will try to be concise -lol I dont drink as a rule but had a few glasses of wine last night. Took myself off to the local -always someone there I know. Had a great craic -end of night shots appeared...
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My boyfriend used to smoke weed. It never bothered me (actually i thought it was cool) until i realized how much it affected his personality. He would ignore me and become a completely different...

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