Hey. Does anyone know any good new police games out for the Xbox 360, or the PC? I just like them sort of police games, where you can arrest people, drug busts, chases.. If anyone knows of any good...
I regularly buy DS games from the US as I know that they work fine on DS lites here, but do PS2 games work here on a UK console or is a hit or a miss - I don't want to make an expensive mistake!
if i got a pc monitor with no tower, would i be able to connect my 360 up to the monitor? also if the monitor had a tv tuner, would i be able to get freeview on it if i alreafy have a pc with tv...
I have just bought a SNES on ebay, and I know a couple of good games to buy, but can anyone recommend thier all time favourite snes games? I want to compile a list of classic games to buy.
Ok, so i can superbounce on a few levels of halo2, but, i wanna know WHY it happens in the first place? ie/ what determines the location? and the crouch point? and what's with the crouch anyway? any...