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Looks like now we all need to take Carbon Monoxide Detectors on holiday with us. How safe are we? Why did`nt they have alarms or have it made safe with the Flu extractor. Why did`nt the holiday...
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On a new computer how do I get the @ sign? its coming out as ' there is a setting but cant remember.
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Laptop Dell Latitude D600 Cen 1.6GHz 40GB 512MB & WiFi does it have USB 1 or 2 sockets fitted. or can it be corverted if it isn`t?
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You know Evett and I shall say this only vance. What was the name of the epidode where the helium baloon ment for the two english men dressed as bridsmaids was in the reception tent and an the end the...
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I`m looking for the weekends free magazine TV listings in there there is the advert for Table Mate one for ?12.95 two for ?19.95 I`m looking for the company name or the link for the web site. Thank...
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Is there a problem with Messenger 7.5 I cant open it. The whole page keeps freezing I`ve tried unistalling and reinstalling it.
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Would people say some thing to the peron to wash there hands after seeing to a previous customer or seeing them touch there hair or there skin. I also seen them lick the end of the spoon to test the...
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Who wrote the song The Laughing Policeman and need the full words to the song.
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Why do the vehicles use the amber rotorary flashing or strobe light when they there is realy no need too. They will put these on just because there fitted but there are in no danger to others.
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Who wrote the Classical version of 2001 A Space Odyssey.
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Why is Bush sticking his nose in the war in the middle east. When he goes in theres no stopping him.
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Ive got the radio code for the radio could someone please tell me on how to entre it in to the screen. Thank You,
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Microwave ovens always open to the left so right handed people can handle the controls and taking in and out the food. There are doors that open to upwards.
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Why is a 99 Flake called a 99 Flake. It was not priced at 99p
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Can a very high-pitched scream really shatter glass? It was shown on TV but cant remember the advert
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Why did Finland win? Terry Wogan sounded in shock. I will never watch this rubbish again. So many songs were very nice.

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