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9 down: "In which you'll find medicine in Ryuo on vacation" I have ?n?o.  
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Sparrows are common Yet who can describe their thousand and one changes Of colour as they quiver in the sun Like thoughts of old rainbows?
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It was while living in Nice/ That she began the diaries called/'The Nice Diaries'. Now that 'the Nasty Diaries'/Have been discovered/In an attic in Norfolk/We know what 'Nice'... ...
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It never takes my hand or asks me questions/but sits in silence on its outsize plate emerging only rarely from its icing/to quail at the touch of my knife.  
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Sparrows are common Yet who can describe their thousand and one changes Of colour as they quiver in the sun Like thoughts of old rainbows?
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last clue from The Week crossword: Fish from Channel Island mostly. I have S_E
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Translated to French, a creation from Renault 5,9 I have I?R?? ?A?E I'm presuming that the answer to 21 ac (Wyatt's musical piece with frightfully loud leading note (2,3,4)) is To his mule?...
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Would be grateful for help with the last clue: 28 ac Picked up, author is back on board (5) I have S?E?N is it Stein or the Stern of a boat?...
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Would be grateful for help with the following: Refuse right away to go to bed. ?O?S Thanks.....
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2 Down: Perhaps the wrong person's gothic novel - a volume put in bin (7,7) I have REBECCA ?A?I?C? Any help gratefully received.....
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24 ac Number here and above! (3,5) I have T?O?O?E? Would be grateful for some help! Thanks in advance...
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15 ac Lad seen around a jolly place visited by Crusoe Y?L?O?T? I'd be very grateful for some help here! Thanks .....
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23 down: A part in Lear turned sponger (5) ??O?A 22 ac: Lowell on vacation in Britain, travelling first class. (9) B?I???A?T...
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I'm not getting anywhere with my last one in, so I'd be grateful for any help with: Old book with bits of verse and song, clearly not from the 16th century (4) O?V?...
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I would greatly appreciate any help with the following 3 clues: -Given cake starts to take everything ravenously, does he? (6) ???T?R -Finn's talkative relative, unreal giant originally depicted by...
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Punch and Judy men mock estate opened by popular belief 6,3,5. I have???L?N ?N? S?O?T Pass on Brown novel about William Wooding (5)...
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Could anyone help with my last one in please? Pluto and the noise he makes to put you off (7) I have: D?S?A?K...
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and What about earth spinning around the sun?(6) *****S Have drawn a complete blank; well, not quite but 2 letters out of 11 not very good....
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Much more of a literary nature this week ergo more enjoyable. A couple of posers though. Popular children flatter writer of unposted letters(8) *N*H*A** and Tricky situation with cunning supplier of a...

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