ok so yesterday my pc froze out as i was clearing out my facebook inbox then when it unfroze after like 30 seconds it showed that id reported a page of inbox messages as spam. when i went to click...
my 21 year old niece is currently living an a housing assosiation flat surrounded by grug addict males who are constantly getting there properties raided by police. She has followed the procedures...
the people who used to live in my house are still getting there bills sent here and are also applying for credit at my address. Is there anything i can do to stop this as i have sent letters back to...
does anyone know if theres a legal reason why schools cant apply sunblock to children if its supplied and consent is given by the mum/dad. I asked the school and have just been told they cant but im...
omg i just removed my facebook account cause all everyone on there does is moan moan bloody moan wahhhhhhhhhh lol.
oh and no1 liked my pass the parcel joke either...