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marianne joy

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marianne joy
I have downloaded flash player, I have checked my browser and it is enabled, I have checked my security settings and changed them all to enable or prompt, still I get the message that it is not...
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Why if Americans speak the english language, are certain words spelt differently e.g. color (colour) and theater (theatre).
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marianne joy
Please can anybody help me? I need to replicate some work that has been written by someone else,. there is a spelling mistake, I know there is a mark or word I can use to show that this was the...
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41a? Google has failed me here. Can't believe I'm the only one who can't find this!
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Thanks gen2 Hope you are still online. How about the types of trees which are the answer to the following quiz questions. 1. Often has apples but isnt an apple tree. 2. Females male offspring. 3.A...
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marianne joy
We have purchased a, male Netherland white dwarf, (neutered), he isn't particularly friendly, and very nervous. He is about 6mths old and he has a the run of our very small garden and a large...
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marianne joy
Please help, my mother used to read me this rhymne, something about 'a yellow bus' and 'what will  become of us' rings a bell, does anyone know the complete rhymne please? many thanks
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what amount of greens like dandelion leaves and grass can my baby rabbits eat each day and also carrots. I am worried as I had rabbits years ago and I gave my rabbit some lettuce and it gave her...
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silly moo
My dog has chiupped a bone in his 'wrist' and torn the ligaments. Vet doesn't want to strap as changing bandages would cause too much stress and reccommends complete rest ( ????? with a dog? ) Does...
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those lon slender food fish are usually found in southern oceans, 11 letters B - - - - C - U - A -
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marianne joy
I think that is the title of the poem which used to feature in an advert on the television about bthe mail train as it is read, it sounds just like the wheels of the train going round. Can anyone help...
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Slightly more of a request than a question, but I am interested in your views.  Please could people learn that: INCORRECT: "I must of forgotten it" CORRECT: "I must have forgotten it" Why do so...
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15 across Roman legend, rural deity man with goats ears horns hind legs and tails - VA?N 17 Across - prince of any royal anglo saxon dynasties - A?H?L?A? 8 Down - Another name for meadow pipits...
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Leading on from the previous thread what is the worst 'professional' spelling mistake you have seen? Mine was a diversion sign which said 'DIVERTED TRAFIC'
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6 down - a long tunnel-shaped oven used for annealing glass - L?H? 33 Across - Maneouvre for clearing blocked windpipes - ?e?m?i?h Thanks
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I was just reading "How quick is evolution?" question when Bob a job said "toby19 i hope your joking,this is the science section." So does anyone believe or is everyone here atheist? Discuss. Sorry...
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I feel very blocked up today **sniff** and my eyes are itchy, I hate hay fever :-(
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I've been told I have Alcohol Flush Reaction, which basically means that I lack an enzyme (alcohol dehydrogenase) which breaks down alcohol in the liver. Therefore, to all intents and purposes, I'm...
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marianne joy
another name for? letters I have are A_R_A__S_ (9 letters in total

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