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All answers are toys or games: Could be useful for short interplanetary trips (5.6) Fine bladed cutting tool has a problem (6,6) Posh cars belong to Catherine (6,6) Thank you for your help...
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Fluctuate 5 Extra clics (anag) 10 fishy group of directors 10 Act at St Pancras 11 All are toys or games. Thank you...
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1. Doris Day song got to number 4 2.hantysung by one of pinafore's able seamen. Thank you the answers begin with the same letter eg Kathy kirby...
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bbc1 period comedy drama (4,3,5) APNRLIMCAPDL...
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Last one, something found in a town. TRIED AND TRIED-BUT NOT AGAIN (3,5) Thank you...
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Please help, last question. Tried and tried - but not again (3,5) Could be a building, shop type, or a 'thing' Thank you...
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What has happened to Colin in the warner ads? Have I messed an advert?...
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All these relates to things in a town. 1. Volumes high an low (7) 2. Embroiderers (6) 3. Tried and tried-but not again (3.5) 4. EG TINKER PRAM (anag) (7.5) 5. TO MOVE (7.4) 6. Port and starboard with...
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Last one, help please. Cupboard with water-soaked fabric walls, to keep food in Australian outback. (10,4) Thank you...
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Answers are containers. 1. informal name for empty bottles after a party or drinking bout. no number of letters. 2. B et you didn't see this spittoon on Spittin Image (8) These are really bugging me...
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34. A foxhole, a hovel, street gutter (6) 74. Member of a Chinese society hostile to foreigners (5) 75. But you didn't see this spittoon on 'Spitten Image' (8) 92. Formerly, a live coal flying out of...
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Answer-something found in a garden centre. TOP FIRST MATS (5) Thank you...
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Is it against the law to have a dog off the lead?
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1. Love this for sunday lunch, place where industrial processes take place 5.4.5 2. Not alive and annoy 10 THANK YOU...
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The answer is a Christmas song or carol. SHELL HACK FED Thank you...
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These are anagrams of Christmas carols or songs. 1. Who had Lenin's crab 2. W is this sap 3. Builder tile my dorm 4. nag us and yell 5. Those crime rats. Thank you...
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1. AADEEEGHHLNPRSTUY (3,6,9) 2. THE CRY OF A STAG BEFORE THE FIRST (5) 3. THIS DYNASTY FOLLOWS A SLIGHT CHANCE. I GLOBAL. (8,5) Thank you, they are all title of magazines or nespapers. Thank you...
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1.IT LOOKS LIKE A PLACE WITH A quiet hobby 2. form of transport with a French thread 3. The 'KIDS' home 4. put on, with an angler 5. Prattle with half the early Thames 6. Sounds like a question of...
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Trifle or slight inconvenience (4-4) Show support or allegiance (3,3,4) Thank you...
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the answer hides an insect. Removed listening devices (8) Illegal liquor shop (7) show support or allegiance (4-4) Thank you...

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