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who described rock and roll as " sung, played and written by cretinous goons"
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who chose seven of her own recordings on this show
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can anyone tell me if the cartoonist "skribble" is still alive and or her whereabouts her real name is rosalie cox
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can anyone tell me what has happened to or if the cartoonist skribble is still around or where she may be.her real name is rosalie cox
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i am doing a quiz and one of the questions is about animals and what might you find a wooden one of on an american golf course
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rest of the song title Honeysuckle and ????
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a metallic oxide that was formerly classed as a chemical element 
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by what means of transport was the turkey delivered to the Cratchett family in Dickens a Christmas Carol
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What decision of a roman emporor of the 4th century led to the creation of the 12 days of christmas which are over on jan 6th and what was his name
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name of christmas carol or hymn whose title is made up from the following letters   each one is the first letter of a word L L M L T C
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what on average are you likely to own three of in one lifetime
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what on average do you own three of in your lifetime

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