We are having a discussion in the office and which of these is correct? As if being the manager of the team was not enough....... As if being the manager of the team were not enough....... .....and...
what's your favourite beatles song and why? i can't decide on a favourite, but i like strawberry fields because of the lyrics, particularly "nothing is real...i think i know i mean uh yes but its all...
I was on the Miltary Road in Northumberland today and there were 2 very large wagons which had fallen off the road and were lying on their sides in the mud below the road. Anyone know how they...
We are often told that we should have five portions of fruit & veg a day , but what constitutes a portion? With certain fruits it is easy 1 Apple = 1 portion but what about peas or...
Now the Court Case is over and sentence has been passed, I am curious to know if anyone has just a smidgen of sympathy for Maxine Carr. I personally think she had no idea Ian Huntley was guilty as has...
Why does Gloucester Road on the District Line not say that you can change for the Piccadilly, and vice versa? They both say you can change for the Circle Line. This is on the long tube map on a...
I know its still oct but I'm getting that nasty "how am I going to put up with them?" feeling already...2 scenarios 1. They visit us 5hrs approx 2.We visit them approx 3.5 hours..... Have u any...
Has anyone had TGI fridays buffalo wings (well..chicken) Can anyone tell me if they know what the coating is and anyone found a similar one in the supermarket. Cheers!