You lot (well, most of you, anyway) were, to put it bluntly, pathetic last week, with no fewer than SEVENTEEN of you scoring just 1 or 2! I'm sure that you'll all bounce back this week though and...
To my local town centre, in the hope that M&S have had a poor trading day, in turn that will give me a whole boat load of reduced luxury food items to grab. :0)))))))))))...
At the risk of sounding blog-like, I'm just going to announce that my house is officially on the market, woohoo!! It was advertised first thing and I've already got eight viewings booked for tomorrow... Captions please: 'If that Boris Johnson...
Nearly every time I log in to my TSB bank account, I have to receive a security code either on landline or mobile before I gain access to my account. When this first started happening, I was told that...
Not long back from the Toothfairy with the kitten. OH and I got a kitten about 5 weeks ago - most engaged couples get a puppy but not us. It’s full steam ahead with the wedding planning. I’m stressed...
Er indoors has put down some garden lights in the garden ...(where else ) Anyway wer'e under/ near the flight path to a major airport Looked outside ,not long ago , and the lights are brightly...
I saw michael J Fox down at the garden centre this morning, I stopped to have a chat with him while he was loading various shrubs in the back of his Delorean in the car park. He apologised to me and...
On a trip to Glastonbury, I was shown the room that I had made a reservation for, a week earlier. The room was all furnished in a medieval theme with suits of armour etc. I went straight down to the...
One of my Sisters has just 'phoned from the station to get someone to pick her up, Dave's doing it. She's here 'til Monday lunchtime, haven't seen her for ages due to lockdown. Spoke to Kate a while...