First of all I would just like to say thankyou for all the support i had over loosing Izzy, On monday i had to have another one of my cats put to sleep he was 17 and had a great happy life, We are...
Why is it that I am finding it so hard to get a hold of Chuck Palahniuk's Invisible monsters? I dont tend to buy books for myself so I've been looking in libraries but none seem to have it ! Should I...
Can anyone tell me why on talk shows in America, the host as we look at him sits on the right and the guest sits on the left, but in Ireland and England the host sits on left and the guest on the...
Does anyone know where I can buy Star trek individual TNG DVD's, NOT in box sets? I have about hals of them from a (now defunct) magazine/DVD subscription but am missing quite a few. Help.
My daughter has had four hamsters and has had no luck with them. Her first had escaped from the cage and never seen since.Her second we had to take back to the store , the third die and so did the...
Hi, Does anyone know in which episode of Friends Rachel (and Ross ?) first decided to call their daughter Emma ? If you know the series and episode number that would be great !
I have just turned on the TV to see Frank Sinatra dressed as a German soldier; the hero and heroine (I assume) bound and gagged in a railway carriage, etc. etc. The hero saws through the rope around...
Does anyone know what Jack Branning is supposed to have done to his daughter?!?!?! In last night's episode, Phil came out with the revelation that Jack isn't allowed to be on his own with his daughter...
I have been trying to download the free realplaye rvia the BBC radio website and have had no success.I follow the instructions to the download instruction page and then there are no download buttons...