Hi, a couple of years ago my doctor diagnosed me with the above condition on the basis that when I have had my normal 7 day period, every couple of months I will bleed again for about 5 days a week...
my fav drink at the moment is peppermint cordial topped up with sparkling water, ice cold from the fridge ,and just wondered why no maufacturer produces a minty drink ?
I've recently left home and need somewhere to stay. I am an unhealthy eater so could do with living with someone who could cook relatively healthy food for me to keep me on the straight and narrow and...
What happened to Clair? The one that Gilbert O'Sullivan sang about. Clair, the moment I met you I swear I felt as if something somewhere Had happened to me, that I couldn't see But then, the moment I...
Absolutely disgusting. Being breastfed to the age of 8. Its no wonder that kid was home-schooled and didnt have a tv in the house. Also, force-feeding your adopted tearful child. More or less child...
what do you think of the new series 'Lewis'? I enjoyed it. but at the end, I didn't understand what Lewis's superier said to him. What is a "bagman" Will Lewis's sidekick, the ex-seminary man, be his...
Hi! I would like to print out some samples of any old manusripts just for a project I have. Something like the Doomsday Book ? I have tried google but I can't even find a sample. Any ideas please?
Have you noticed that the audience doesn't actually seem to exist? You never see them and the laughter seems to be switched on and off with such a severe cut off that wouldn't happen with a live...
has Corrie slipped up ? How did Dev manage to register the twins birth without the birth cert. which I am sure Sunita would have held onto for grim death, given the cicumstances?
I wondered when the "english" language first became known as such ? I assume at the time the Welsh must have been speaking the Celtic language and the Scots and Irish the Gaelic, otherwise would it...
Not sure where this thread belongs; I guess it's a bit of a wild one. Within RE at the school I am a teaching assistant in, we are doing 'creation'. Does this mean the kids should be told Adam and Eve...
I have a recipe that I would like to try out for mint chocolate mousse. The recipe says I need to use a bar of mint chocolate. Does anyone know where i can get some from? it needs to be just a...