Good day, I’m stuck with the following from Masterpiece by Craft. Hints/Answers with parsing would be appreciated, thanks in advance! 44 (A) Ignorant man, to whatever extent, grasses (5) : AL?AS 46...
Good evening, I am stuck on the following which are impeding my progress to the Unclueds. Some help by way of Hints/Answers would be appreciated. Thanks in advance ! 17 (a) Way round Germany and...
Good evening, I'm stuck on 1, 4 & 5. Answers with parsing would be appreciated, thanks in advance! Cryptic Connections In a Cryptic Connections puzzle, five cryptic crossword clues must be solved;...
Good morning, another crack at the Cheescracker’s “Prime Times”! Having taken full advantage of the generous hints, I’ve got all the Unclueds except the landmark event on 5(D) for which I now have:...
Depressingly struggling to finish this rather fiendish puzzle. Could anyone please give me a hint re 5 down where i have for the 7 letter word ?ILE??I 17 down: Tracked vehicles about to be clamped by...
Good day, a taxing Cheesecracker this week! Some hints/Answers for the following would be appreciated. Thanks in advance! 12 (A) Skywriting? (9, two words) : ??RL????? 14 (A) Radical Left holds back...
I am doing some detective work for the quotation and the sernat’s name and would appreciate confirmation for the letters which I now have clockwise round the grid from20. Many thanks in advance! ?/...
Pabulum is up to his old tricks again! Help/Hints would be appreciated for the following, please. Thanks in advance! 15 (a) Singing seamstress active in coastal city (5) : ????I 41 (a) Drunk wrote an...
Good morning, I’m stuck on the following and would appreciate some hints/answers. Thanks in advance! 21(a) Mounted weighing machine with touch of dread (6) : ?I???D 25(a) Confused old doc declaring...
Good evening, Doc’s offering this week was not too “monstrous”, after all. I got the theme quite early in the game, and now seek confirmation for the last two clues. Many thanks in advance! 18 ( d )...
Greetings! I'm stuck on the following and would appreciate answers with parsing, please! Thanks in advance! ACROSS : 20 On one's deathbed – former Covid alert has taken one, right? (8) : E???R?N? 27...
Relatively easy this week but stuck on 3 clued lights Shortly stagger in animal enclosue [3]. ?EE CAntonese boat people one featured in Japanese verse [6] ?ANKIA A HOOD INADEQUATE FOR DEPATCH-BOAT [5]...
This looks like the final hurdle. Since 24 (a ) ends with an "S", then 26( d ) River channel sandy, without a delta (3) : SN? ( SNY ) 21(d )Conical pin in top half of violin (3) : ?ID ( FID ) My last...
Good morning, I’ve got most of the theme under control, but am stuck on the following clues for which I would appreciate some hints. Thanks in advance! ACROSS: 4 Author Henry’s daughter perhaps (not a...
Good morning, I’m stuck on the cryptic connections and would like some answers, parsing and confirmation for the following. Many thanks in advance! In a Cryptic Connections puzzle, five cryptic...
Good morning,
I'm still not clear about how we arrived at the shaded answer.
Exactly how does the question with the unclueds lead to it?
Thanks for clarifying!...
Good morning, I’ve got the theme covered and think I know what to shade if my maths serves me right. But I’m left with three tricky clues for which I would appreciate some help. Thanks in advance!...
Good evening, a tricky Pabulum for me this week! I’m stuck on the following for which I would appreciate hints, thanks! ACROSS: 1 Matlows flying from atelier on fire in hacienda (11, three words):...
Good evening, I seem to be getting better at this now! Got the theme very early when I spotted 1(d) and filled in the grid except for 29(d) for which I am seeking hints. Thanks in advance! 29(d) Made...