To mean that there is not a single living speaker of that language in the world. A language that could find its roots and origins in the Bristish Isles.
There is an exhaustive list of words that have become part of the English language from the time of the Raj. It has greatly enriched the language. however there is one ENGLISH word that is currently...;jse ssionid=SFHGNPILHFBMHQFIQMFSFGGAVCBQ0IV0?xml=/ news/2006/12/20/ublair120.xml Has the deputy President of Iraq hit the nail on the head. Has he said...
If you have been reading the papers you will know all about this sorry episode. Well done Saudis. You have shown how hollow and shallow this government is.
How come we see so much top quality footage of the Russian spy doing everyday things in Russia and even here in the UK. It does not look like camcorder stuff you will see in home videos, its proper TV... /news/news.html?in_article_id=418486&in_page_i d=1770 So your and my council tax is being siphoed off to pay off labour party debts. This is a disgrace....