chasing me around. I am enjoying the attention, but I don't feel I deserve it. I'm overweight and balding... I study music and she started following me after I played a solo in a class. She's really...
Whats the cheekiest thing you have done lately? I asked my daughter if my son could dye his hair at her house so I didnt have a big mess to clean up. Bless her heart, she let him too
Hi peeps ! I have just bid on my first item on Ebay, and was wondering if it's normal to get so excited about it ?? I've not left my computer in two hours and can't wait for the auction to end ! I've...
Hi all, I'm currently engaged in an exciting ( not ) piece of studying, and I'm stuck on one sentence in the translation I have to do. I've put my question in Phrases and Sayings. Can someone have a...
Can someone help please ? I am working on a translation, English to French, and I 've come accross a sentence I just cannot make sense of. Here's the sentence ( it's the part in bold I don't get ) :...
How do you see all the images that have been saved to your computer automatically from websites and stuff? One of my friends did it on my computer, but I can't remember how they did!
My boyfriend is 14, and im 13. we have been together for only 2 weeks. And he's already talking about having sex. They only things we have done together is kiss, finger me and give him hand jobs. Im...
Could the people who have been forwarded my e-mail address, and whose addresses I probably have now, tell me if you would mind if I added you to my IM list please. If you dont want me to it's ok I...
Am I, or am I not, a good looking guy? I am some girls I know, think I am. Some on here think I'm not. Are they pulling my leg?
yada yada froggers yada yada 'Lost' yada yada champagne yada yada willies yada yada put the kettle on yada yada love you man yada yada who is the sexiest yada yada yawn