I love David McLean as a compiler but am struggling to parse 11a. "Pound of tea and coffee picked up? (6) The answer would appear to be bruise but help needed to parse this please....
Scoff all is in ruins apart from Belgium (3,2) Answer is "eat up" but can't parse it - help please.
London hospital making good northern grub (4) Why is it nosh? Thanks....
Mat originally straightened dragged through the mud (8) The answer is maligned but can someone parse the "mat originally straightened" bit for me please....
1. Pointed tooth with top broken off found in river (3) - - k. Could it be lek and if so where does the tooth come in. 2. Drivers about to leave home heading for Estonia's old province (9) A - - - T -...
Help requested please to parse 3 answers. 10a Scottish quarter's turned up with a fine streak (5) Answer looks like Stria. 1d Head of College and a pupil have a fight over caps (8) Looks like culottes...
3a Short day, still short, is getting shorter (8) ?????L?s 11a Poor toothless jerk finds gizmo (12) ????G?????O? 10a Scottish quarter's turned up with a fine streak (5) ??R?A 22a Right to hold back...
This is always so easy but wonder if there is a mistake. "Frail,weak" (6) T - - M - Y. I am sure the letters are right. Any ideas or has anybody else done it?...
Re number 60, “but the winger is in demand for international (4)”, I have an answer which is a simple hidden word. I can’t believe it’s right though because a) there isn’t an indicator that the answer...
Have finished it but have either/or answers for 41,42 & 74. For 41 I have either H------L or S------D. For 42 I have C------D D---E but not happy with it. For 74 I have B-----D or C-----R. Any help...